LeLeo Code Championship 32
Hilton Orlando / Altamonte Springs
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Hilton Orlando / Altamonte Springs
350 North Lake Boulevard
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Online Registration Closed
Spectator Fee: $15
Age Divisions
Contact Us
Event Details
Skill Levels
Weight Divisions
It is the parents responsibility to bring valid ID for their child competitors.
( Examples: Birth Certificate or copy, Passport, IBJJF Card, School ID with Birth Date )
White Belt and Grey Belt Kids may compete in groups similar in age and weight.
Grey Belt and Yellow Belt Kids will compete in groups similar in age and weight.
Yellow Belt and Orange Belt Kids will compete in groups similar in age and weight.
Orange Belt and Green Belt Kids will compete in groups similar in age and weight.
Girls and Boys born 2013 - 2005 will compete TOGETHER in their respective belt/weight division.
Girls and Boys born 2004 - 2002 will compete SEPARATELY in their respective belt/weight division.
There are no Open divisions for Kids and ALL White belts.
Juvenile Open is only to middle weight category and up.
The weigh in will be right before your first match.
2/18/2025 10:32:29 AM PST
In consideration of the privilege of participating in the EVENT, for the COMPETITOR and my heirs, children, parents, guardians, executors, personal representatives, assigns and administrators, the COMPETITOR forever releases, acquits, waives discharges, and covenants not to sue or hold liable any of the organizers, volunteers, sponsors, affiliated organizations involved in the EVENT, or any of their regents, directors, officers, managers, employers, agents, affiliates, attorneys, spouses, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns. The COMPETITOR further agrees to hold each of them harmless and indemnify them from liability arising from any and all claims (including for the negligence of any of them that may result in personal injury, accident, illness, or death) demands, actions, causes of action, or suits of any nature or kind that are in any way related to my training, traveling to, participating in or returning from the EVENT, or to use the facilities, premises, or equipment involved in the EVENT. Further, in the event that the COMPETITOR is injured, the COMPETITOR grants permission to any and all of the athletic trainers or doctors involved in the EVENT to provide the COMPETITOR with medical assistance and treatment. For the COMPETITOR and for my heirs, children, parents, guardians, executors, personal representatives, assigns and administrators, the COMPETITOR forever releases, acquits, waives discharges, and covenants not to sue or hold liable any of the organizers, volunteers, sponsors, affiliated organizations, coaches, instructors, mangers, trainers, doctors, or any other persons or organizations involved in the EVENT, or any of their regents, directors, officers, managers, employers, agents, affiliates, attorneys, spouses, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns or sponsors and the COMPETITOR holds each of them harmless and to indemnify each of them from any and all claims (including for the negligence of any of them that may result in personal injury, accident, illness, or death), demand costs, damages, causes of action or suits of any nature or kind that are in any way related to any injury the COMPETITOR sustains or suffers in connection with said medical assistance or treatment provided in connection with the treatment of any injuries that the COMPETITOR may sustain at the EVENT. The COMPETITOR verifies that my physician has examined the COMPETITOR and has not found any injury or condition that would impair the COMPETITOR performance or physical condition in training for competing in the EVENT. The COMPETITOR recognizes that if the COMPETITOR has any existing injuries or conditions that may affect the COMPETITOR performance, the COMPETITOR cannot participate in the EVENT without a report from the COMPETITOR physician authorizing the COMPETITOR participation, and the COMPETITOR verifies that if the COMPETITOR has any such injuries or conditions, the requisite reports are attached to this form. The COMPETITOR also certifies that the COMPETITOR is familiar with the rules and the nature of this EVENT. The COMPETITOR is aware that there is a high risk of injury by the very nature of the sport due to physical contact involved, and assumes all risks relating to the COMPETITOR participation in this EVENT. The COMPETITOR further certifies that no coach, manager, doctor, nurse, athlete, trainer, or other person has advised the COMPETITOR not to compete in a contact sport for any reason, nor has any such person specifically advised me not to compete in this EVENT. If the COMPETITOR is found to be involved in any act of vandalism, the COMPETITOR agrees to pay for any and all damages to personal and/or real property that is caused thereby, and the COMPETITOR understands that disciplinary actions will be taken that will prohibit the from participating in this and future EVENTS. The COMPETITOR agrees to behave according to generally accepted social behavior standards with profanity, abusive language, and disrespectful behavior not permitted. The COMPETITOR understands that disciplinary actions will be taken to prohibit the COMPETITOR from participating in this and future EVENTS. The COMPETITOR has read this liability waiver, release, and indemnification agreement and fully understands its terms. The COMPETITOR understands that by entering into the agreement the COMPETITOR is giving up substantial rights, including the rights to reference as part of the official entry form for the EVENT. The COMPETITOR understands that entering into this agreement is a condition present to and is in consideration for the privilege of participating in the EVENT. The COMPETITOR acknowledges that the COMPETITOR is signing this agreement voluntarily, and intends by my signature or digital registration to make a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by the laws of CALIFORNIA. If any portion of this agreement is held legally invalid, the COMPETITOR agrees that the balance of this agreement shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect. The rights and dissemination of images, devise the event organizers, sponsors and entities all rights to use my image (TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, posters and so on.,) to be made at any time without compensation , being unnecessary, therefore, any other verbal or written permission. The COMPETITOR understands that attendance at this EVENT constitutes the COMPETITOR irrevocable consent to be photographed, videotaped and recorded. By attending this public EVENT, the COMPETITOR is giving irrevocable consent to the use of the COMPETITOR likeness for the purposes of advertising, promotion, and sale throughout the world in perpetuity. This license extends to all parties acting upon the EVENT organizers behalf. Licensing includes but is not limited to television, newspaper, magazine, social media, promotional posters, and online use. By attending this EVENT, the COMPETITOR waives any and all compensation for such use. The COMPETITOR understands that the COMPETITOR may be contacted by the EVENT promoter for future related events via email. Peace!!